sábado, 30 de enero de 2016

How to write learning objectives

Teachers before start teaching the class, they have to keep in mind that the material they use is

 relevant to learners' acquisition. However, not only the material is important but also the lesson

 plan, the resources, the introduction to the course, etc.

Furthermore, when we talk about setting learning objectives, it is not only write some verbs and just

 that. It has a process the verbs which have to be written on the lesson should be carefully selected, in

 this way the teacher is completely sure about what they have to learn in every class,

The verbs the teacher should include in the lesson plan have to be action verbs. Also, the teacher has

 to think about what he/she need to teach in the class, because  a teacher can have problems if the

 class is not very prepared.

It is really relevant to think about the development of the progress in the classroom.


Bloom's Taxonomy

When we talk about planning, it is important to know that Bloom's Taxonomy takes an essential role

 within it. It means that by using Bloom's Taxonomy can divide learning objectives, outcomes, or

 goals into groups. These groupare; Knowledge, Comprehension, Application, Analysis, Synthesis

  and Evaluation. 

Furthermore this Bloom's Taxonomy can help a lot to teachers because they can have the oppotunity

 to sort learning objectives in order to have an organized class with selected tasks and activities for

 students and some strategies which can help the teacher to succeed in the class.

In addition, teachers can select the learning objectives which can be divided into levels of 

complexity. Wha's more, it is essential to know that these have categories and subcategories which

 means that the verbs the teacher needs to use can be carefully select some of them can be follow by



Lesson Plan

In order to have a good class with students the methodology is the most relevant contibution a

 teacher can offer to students. In many countries there are different  methodologies which can be

 applied in the class. One of the most famous method is Lesson Study Project which is project that

 took place in Japan as a strategy in order to help students acquire the language in a better way. This

 is a good methodology which has a procedure to follow in order to help students.

The first step to follow to succeed in this procedure is to look for teachers' collaboration. It means

 that some teachers have to discusss a problem in the class and once they have the problem they have

 to design a lesson plan in order to achieve students goals. Then, the lesson plan they designed has

 to be put into practice and analyze by the rest of the teachers.

Finally, they discuss the results and in this way teachers help students to learn better.

In conclusion, this methodology is one of the best to help students in the classroom.


Categorising learners' mistakes

The most noticeable problem teachers can find when students learn a new language, is that they

constantly make mistakes which are clear in the classroom. It's important to know that when we

mention mistakes. It's refering to errors or slips which students make everyday. However, there are

 two main reasons one is L1 interference.

Accuracy as a mistake of language learning. Another problem can be appropiacy which means that

 students  don't use that language in an appropiate way and the message they transmit is not clear at

 all. And this can happen when students use a utterance or a word in an incorrect way or probably

 this can be beacuse this is a bit inappropiate in terms of style or this ia a bit inappropiate in terms of

 style or register.

So, for that teachers have to control students spelling and punctuation when writing in the target



Identifying the functions of learners' language

The language students use in the classroom, is the most important part of learning a new language. 

Not only because students can learn something new, but also they would have the opportunity to 

communicate with other people from other countries.

So for that teacher should keep in mind the function and select the tasks and activities carefully. With

 the purpose of select the best activities, it can be by interacting with students. Once students and 

teacher discuss about the activities. These can be adapted with different functions such as; greeting,

 ordering, negotiating, prompting.

It's known that the exponent will depend on students needs, age, level, and the context. This can be a

 good strategy to encourage students.


Using Language appropriately for a range of classroom functions

Learning a new language can be difficult  if we don't know the purpose of the language. So, for that 

it's really important to know the classroom functions.

When talking about functions, these are varied and they can be useful by instructing. Furthermore, 

functions have different exponents which can be used in the classroom. Of course, the use of the 

exponents will depend on the purpose and the context. The content, the teacher should include will 

be based on getting learner's attention. The topics should be according to students' needs in order to

 make students gain confidence about their abilities. So, for that teachers should be clear at the 

moment to give instructions (instructing).

What's more, modeling language orally can be really helpful because students can repeat only what

 the teacher wants them to learn.


viernes, 15 de enero de 2016

Selection and use of teaching aids

Teaching aids are the resources and equipment available to teachers that they can use in 

the classroom. In addition, they can bring extra teaching aids  in order to help students. 

Some of the teaching aids, teachers can use in the classroom are, whiteboards, computers, 

CD players, DVD players, and overhead projectors (OHPs). All of these materials can be 

visual aids which can be very useful if the teacher uses pictures, realia. For example, 

teachers can use flashcards, pictures, word maps, mind maps, and if the teacher wants 

to teach them about clothes, teachers can use some clothes to teach them some 


If the teachers work with kids it is necesary to use puppets and charts to make them 

understand the language, and also teachers can use technology such as; overhead 

projector, CD player, DVD player. These can be good to make students listen and watch 

videos, fables, stories. These materials are really useful to make the class active.


Selection and the use of supplementary materials and activities

Supplemenntary materials are books and other materials, teachers can use in addition to 

the coursebook. Some of these supplementary materials include skills development 

materials, grammar, vocabulary, and phonology practice materials, collections of 

communicative activities, teacher's resources and web materials. Teachers can use as 

supplementary materials some magazines, newspapers, videos, etc. These type of 

materials are called authentic sources which is really useful for students to learn the 

language in a natural way about real life situations. These type of material can be included 

in the coursebook syllabus. All the syllabus are presented in a logical or clear sequence 

for learning so in this way students will learn or adquire knowledge step by step. 

Furthermore, class library of readers, websites, DVDs, language practice books, electronic 

materials, games are counted as supplementary materials which are adapted in a mixed

ability/ mixed level class. By  using these materials the class would be better for students 

and they would have more opportunities to learn in a natural way.


Selection and use of coursebook materials

Coursebook materials are all the materials which are use in the classroom to present and 

practise language, and develop learners' language skills

When it is mentioned the use of coursebook package, it usually includes a student´s book, 

teacher's book and audio and/or video recording. Teachers have the possibility to use all 

the material that a teacher's book includes such as; tapescript, audio script or transcript 

(the writen version of  the audios).

As an extra practise for the students, the teacher can use a workbook or activity book

and also CD-ROM, this material is usually physical, but nowadays the majority of the 

material is online. Sometimes teachers can motivate students by doing the class very active 

and for that they can use many strategies for example; extending the material which is using

extra material for students to change the monotony. Other useful strategy is changing the 

methodology which is using interaction patterns or mingling activity.


Consulting reference resources to help in lesson preparation

When talking about references resources, it is refering to all the sources of information

about language and teaching, which is used to help in lesson preparations. There are many

references materials such as dictionaries  and grammar books, books and articles in 

teachers' magazines. Some useful material which is really useful for teachers is the use of 

supplementary materials in a coursebook such as phonemic charts or extra material 

like: the list of irregular verbs. A teacher can find help to teach grammatical structures, in 

many grammar books where students can practise a lot with many exercises.

An additional help teachers can use with students to improve their pronunciation, teachers 

can use CD-ROMS. Furthermore, to help students with lexical items, they can use 

bilingual dictionaries which have the meaning of  word in two languages and 

monolingual dictionaries which have the meaning just in one meaning. Teachers' books 

are useful for teachers, they include extra resources for every unit and these can help 

students to understand the grammar.
