sábado, 30 de enero de 2016

Bloom's Taxonomy

When we talk about planning, it is important to know that Bloom's Taxonomy takes an essential role

 within it. It means that by using Bloom's Taxonomy can divide learning objectives, outcomes, or

 goals into groups. These groupare; Knowledge, Comprehension, Application, Analysis, Synthesis

  and Evaluation. 

Furthermore this Bloom's Taxonomy can help a lot to teachers because they can have the oppotunity

 to sort learning objectives in order to have an organized class with selected tasks and activities for

 students and some strategies which can help the teacher to succeed in the class.

In addition, teachers can select the learning objectives which can be divided into levels of 

complexity. Wha's more, it is essential to know that these have categories and subcategories which

 means that the verbs the teacher needs to use can be carefully select some of them can be follow by



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